Loaded Flexibility Tutorial

Here is a sequence with loaded flexibility exercises using a box;

  1. Hip flexion

  2. Hip external rotation

  3. Forward fold straight leg

  4. Sidebend

In all exercises I use external load (kettlebells or dumbbells) to facilitate the movement. The best way to explore this practice is in a well-equipped gym, so you can choose individual weights. Keep track of the practice in a journal.

A good way to begin is 3-5 sets with 12 dynamic reps in each exercise. Always alternate the sides (asymmetric exercises).

In all exercises I use a box and I recommend to have a size that’s somewhere between knee- to hip-level.



Hip flexion

Target: hip flexion and spine flexion

Stand with one foot on the side of the box and the other leg on the ground. Start upright and hold the weight (dumbbell/kettlebell) in on or both hands. Start rolling down from the upper spine and continue through the rest of the middle and lower sections and continue to flex from hip-joint. Stay with the body-weight infront of the ankle-joint. Feel the pull of gravity through the arms.

Remember that you can use the leg on the box to navigate the movement!


  • dynamic reps (12 reps)

  • end range hold (60 seconds)

  • combination of dynamic reps + end range hold/ end range hold + dynamic reps

Alternate right and left leg

3-5 sets


Hip external rotation/Pigeon

Target; hip external rotation, hip flexion, hip abduction (with knee flexion) and spine flexion

Place one foot on the box (in dorsal flexion or plantar flexion) and the other leg on the ground. The foot on the box is in the midline and maintain the same shape of the knee (flexion). Start upright and hold the weight (dumbbell/kettlebell) in on or both hands. Start rolling down from the upper spine and continue through the rest of the middle and lower sections and continue to flex from hip-joint. Aim to move the head towards the foot on the box. Feel the pull of gravity through the arms.

Remember that you can use the leg on the box to navigate the movement!


  • dynamic reps (12 reps)

  • end range hold (60 seconds)

  • combination of dynamic reps + end range hold/ end range hold + dynamic reps

Alternate right and left leg

3-5 sets


Forward fold straight knee

Target; hip flexion with knee extension + ankle dorsal flexion and spine flexion

Place one foot on the box (in dorsal flexion) and the other leg on the ground. Maintain the same shape of the knees (extension) during the entire sequence. Start upright and hold the weights (dumbbell/kettlebell) in each hand. Start rolling down from the upper spine and continue through the rest of the middle and lower sections and continue to flex from hip-joint. Aim to move the head towards the knee foot on the box. Feel the pull of gravity through the arms. Try to press the front of torso toward the top of the leg.

Remember that you can use the leg on the box to navigate the movement!


  • dynamic reps (12 reps)

  • end range hold (60 seconds)

  • combination of dynamic reps + end range hold/ end range hold + dynamic reps

Alternate right and left leg

3-5 sets



Target; hip abduction and spine lateral flexion + hip rotation? (depending feet placement)

Place one foot on the box and the other leg on the ground. Maintain the same shape of the knees (extension) during the entire sequence when you side-bend from side to side. This will challenge spine lateral flexion and hip abduction. Start upright and hold the weight on the side of the hand towards the box or toward the “outside” leg.

Lean the entire body sideways and express lateral flexion through the spine. If you like to create a longer lever (I demonstrate when I lean towards the box) by lifting the top arm overhead and reach in the direction of the foot.

Remember that you can use the leg on the box to navigate the movement!


  • dynamic reps (12 reps)

  • end range hold (60 seconds)

  • combination of dynamic reps + end range hold/ end range hold + dynamic reps

Alternate right and left leg

3-5 sets

Let me know if you have any questions! Next workshop with loaded flexibility will be held 19th and 20th of October.

14-15 June Kettlebell Workshop
SEK 3,995.00

Live digital workshop on Zoom

//Magnus Ringberg


Loaded Flexibility Workshop


Amazing outdoors