L-press with 2 boxes
In this series of L-press you’ll explore 5 different levels of lifting yourself up from the floor. In the videos I hold a brief moment in each of the progressions. With time and practice you can add longer isometric, static muscle contractions, hold. A good idea is to begin to hold one or two seconds and with more experience you can challenge longer holds (between 5-30 seconds).
The five levels are; (1) lift with flexion in both knees, (2) lift and squeeze your legs in adduction, (3) lift with asymmetry and bring one leg in knee extension and other in knee flexion, (4) from the previous variation bring both legs together with knee extension in both limbs and (5) full L-press.
WHEREVER YOU ARE you’ll focus towards pressing through the arms and stagger shoulders on top of the wrists. Adjust the height of the boxes and place them slightly broader then shoulder width.▪️
Let me know if you have any questions!