
In this TRI-SET with sliding pads I alternate three exercises back to back; exercise A, B and C. Exercise A, B and C are different regarding muscular activation, position in the room, or/and movement direction.

Tri-sets can be done twice or multiple sets and can be a great set-up for the structure and organisation of your exercise regime no matter if you practice resistance training or any type of yoga/pilates.

  • A. Single-arm push up & fly; here you create more strength in your upper body and front of the torso.

  • B. Frontal split; practice hip mobility (abduction) in a large range of motion and learn how to pull back using the strength of the inside of the legs.

  • C. Thread the needle; slide the arm sideways (or any other direction) and practice rotation around the spine. Progress with single-arm reach.

The material is from my ELASTIC workshop with sliding pads and resistance bands. Next workshop will be held Saturday 11th of November in Berneck, Switzerland at Studio Step-In.

Any questions about tri-sets?

//Magnus Ringberg




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