Reverse table top waves

This is a dynamic version of ‘reverse table top’ . When you lift and lower the hips you’ll integrate a simultanoysly segmental motion with the spine. The two major joint-complex involved are the hips and shoulders. As you lift the hips both the shoulder- and hip joint goes through extension and in reverse direction flexion.

If you like to adjust the movement you can always explore different level of the hands or feet.

  • Place the hands on blocks, a bench, a box, a chair

  • Explore different positions of the hands; parallell or turned in/out

  • Place the feet on blocks, a bench, a box, a chair, TRX

You can add external load placing a dumbbell over the hips (it take a little bit of hip control to make it stay).

Here is one idea of timing the movement:


1. Start by pressing down through feet and hands.

2. Open feet and knees wide.

3. Initiate from the pelvis. Lower the hips by tilting the hips anterior. Delay the movement from the upper part of the spine.

4. When the hips are close to the ground, press them back and pull your head forward.

5. Add internal rotation and press the legs towards the midline. Keep sending the head forward and hips backwards.

6. Continue to elevate the hips. This time tilt the pelvis posterior. Direct the movement from tail to head.


Let me know if you have any questions!

//Magnus Ringberg


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