Elastic bands
In this exercise with long elastic bands (loop version) you’ll explore different coordinations with one-legged balance.
With the attachment of the band you’ll combine knee extension as you lift the leg in hip extension. The pull from the band will assist you in shoulder flexion. When you add elbow extension, with the leg lift, you’ll experience oppositional forces from the upper and lower body.
The exercise have similarities with single leg deadlift and Warrior 3. With the band behind the body you’ll receive helpful feedback (proprioception) from the heel bone.
In the video I demonstrate following sequence;
Tilt forward and explore range
Stay in the end range and add flexion/extension knee-joint
Upright triceps extension
Tilt forward and add triceps extension
Stay in elbow extension and continue with leg movement
Circumduction from the leg in open chain
Let me know if you have any questions!