Bridge pose with pulling

I like to inspire you in the gym. In this version of bridge pose and single arm pull you will combine the effect of upper limb strength and spinal range of motion.

Set up sideways with the cable machine and begin from a seated position with feet on the floor and one-arm support. Pull the cable towards the torso and then continue to lift up the hips, allow the elbow to extend, reach the arm infront of the torso (in the direction of the base of the pulley), press down through the feet and lift the hips up towards the ceiling (hip extension).

If you like to create a large range of motion around the spine you need to resist the motion from the lower limb/hips (anti-rotation). Focus on a rotation across the lower, middle and upper spine. Gaze over your shoulder/behind you. Most rotation will happen around the cervical and thoracic spine.

When you move the arm infront of the torso it will turn in medial rotation (and horisontal adduction) and as you pull towards the body it will turn in lateral rotation (and horisontal abduction).

The supporting arm on the ground will press down and assist you in the rotation of the spine. By trying to move the hand sideways away from the pulley, in an isometric contraction, you will facilitate spinal rotation.

Choice of weight? % of 1 RM?

Either choose a light weight and many reps or heavy load and few reps. Either alternate right and left side or combine in super sets with eg. press movement.




Here are two previous posts about spinal rotation in resistance training; post 1 and post 2.

Let me know if you have any questions!

//Magnus Ringberg


Convention in Oslo, Norway


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