Space M Yoga
I hope you’ll enjoy this Space M Yoga® Sequence. Start in Down Dog and from there you’ll continue to explore one-legged stance both from your leg and arm. Finish on all four limbs and ready to repeat the series on the side.
Modify all sections with isometric holds (e.g. 15-30 seconds) or explore a dynamic variation and choose relevant numbers of reps (e.g. 8-12 reps). Repeat the sequence for 1 set (both sides) or repeat for several rounds.
Down Dog with scapula circumduction
3-legged dog
3-legged dog to standing
One-legged stance
Reverse to lunge
Lunge reach forward
Lunge reach backward
Lunge rotation with knee flexion
Side lunge
Side lunge transition to side plank
Side plank lower & lift
Front plank Up dog & Push Up combo
Down dog
Repeat sequence other side.
Let me know if you have any questions!
//Magnus Ringberg